Blogging in the Reading Classroom

Friday, October 9, 2009 | Labels: | 0 comments |

In the current academic world, Web 2.0 technologies are becoming a more frequent presence. This blogging curriculum takes advantage of this generation of students' digital literacy, which may be greater than their academic literacy. Focusing on reading and study strategies, vocabulary development, and time management, Blogging in the Reading Classroom, will help you engage your students in a non-traditional environment and supplement your in-class instruction.

Reading & Study Strategies

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Reflect weekly on the reading and study strategies used in class.


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  1. Identify unfamiliar vocabulary
  2. Use context clues to discover word meaning
  3. Write original sentence using new word
  4. Create hyperlink to online dictionary

Time Management

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  1. Embed online calendar
  2. Input weekly time requirements
  3. Plan time for study
  4. Create daily To Do list

Created and Written by Mary Murphey Bogan

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Contact Information:

1101 N. Lincoln Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92831